Strategic Partners

FONI STUDIO, founded in 2007, works together with strategic partners and specialist-friends for promising entities in industrial, commercial and also education sectors.  Our expertise covers brand analysis, bilingual naming, operation system design, envrionmental system design, digital materials design and training, etc.

Every of our design solutions is tailor-made to fulfill client's needs, and, we are always Full Of New Ideas!

方元工作室 於2007年成立,與策略夥伴、專家級的朋友們合作,我們的客戶覆蓋工、商,以至教育界。品牌策劃、雙語命名、營運系統設計、環境系統、電子項目設計,以及培訓,都是我們的強項。

因應不同客戶的需求,我們研究獨有的策略、發展獨有的設計和系統,而我們總是 多多新意念 Full Of New Ideas!